Coupon List

Coupon Name Code Discount Date Start Date End Status Action
10% off Desktops and cameras only 10DESKCAM 10.0000 01/01/2015 01/01/2030 Enabled
5% off orders under $100 for logged in users 5SMALLORD 5.0000 01/01/2015 01/01/2030 Enabled
Admin only - 100% off ADMINFREE 100.0000 01/01/2015 01/01/2030 Enabled
Disabled if any products in basket aren't in product list STRICTCART 30.0000 01/03/2015 01/01/2030 Enabled
Discount for all except apple products or cameras NOAPPLCAM 20.0000 01/01/2015 01/01/2030 Enabled
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)